The dropshipping business is often considered an accessible entry point for most aspiring entrepreneurs in the highly competitive e-commerce industry.

And it’s for that case that thousands of dropshipping courses and masterclasses flood your social media feeds with luring ad copies and goodies like Lewis Smith’s Dropship Unlocked masterclass, which promises to give dropshipping mentees a roadmap and blueprint for building and running a successful dropshipping business.

Dropship Unlocked Reviews

However, while looking for left Dropship unlocked reviews in forums and social media, our eyes were drowned in the discussion dubbed Dropship Unlocked Reddit, which tells a different story based on previous students of this dropshipping master class.

So, in this article, we critically examine user experience to determine whether the dropship unlocked master class is a legitimate and valuable resource for users or just another overpriced, empty scam.

1: The High Cost of Entry and registration

One of the most repetitive criticisms in the ‘drop ship unlocked reviews’ we encounter in the Reddit discussion group is the steep course price and the onboarding process.

From the previous uses, it is clear that the dropship unlocked master class costs from £3000 to £5000, a considerable investment for what many describe as basic dropshipping knowledge readily available online or on YouTube but packaged nicely for that exaggerated price.

Dropship Unlocked Reviews
Dropship Unlocked Reviews-99% Says It's A Scam 6

After the lengthy application and onboarding process, it’s evident that pricing transparency needs to be improved.

This is despite the never-ending Zoom interviews, which tend to ask the same questions users already filled in their initial application for screening purposes. It has left most users feeling deceived.

Take your time and go through all the frequently used tactics by dropship unlocked Reddit threads, where potential students express their frustration over the focus on exploitation and extracting money from new uses rather than focusing on what the course entails or providing value per se.

2: Dropship Unlocked Overpromises and Underdelivers

The Dropship Unlocked Masterclass is the best and most comprehensive guide to starting a dropshipping business from anywhere in the world. Still, previous users have found the content needs improvement.

They were unaware that most of the exclusive content provided by Dropship Unlocked is freely available elsewhere on the web.

Dropship Unlocked Reviews

Information on setting up an LLC or Solo trade vs. company or finding UK dropshipping suppliers is free and easily accessible on Search engines and other platforms like YouTube, which raises the question: Does the dropshipping course by Lewis truly offer anything unique?

At a discounted price of £62.99 plus VAT, exclusively for Dropshippingit, the Prestige Package offers fabulous value and huge savings on our products and services if you purchase them individually.

Prestige Package
Dropship Unlocked Reviews-99% Says It's A Scam 7
Prestige Package

3: Misleading Claims and Lack of Transparency

Lewis Smith, the brain behind the dropship unlocked master class, claims that his success in e-commerce has been scrutinized by users who, in one way or another, have access to the course. They must be more confident in his dropshipping journey and its purported success.

More verifiable information is needed to support his assertions that he runs a successful e-commerce business built on the dropshipping model.

The above worries, skepticism surrounding his business credentials, the lack of transparency, and the high cost of the masterclass conclude that the drop ship unlocked course might be more marketing-focused than a genuine educational resource worth investing more than $3000, particularly in the content of the dropshipping UK path.

4: Unsatisfactory User Experience

Besides the high cost and the content, the overall ratings and user experience with the Dropship Unlocked Mentorship Program by Lewis have been widely criticized.

Users report being spammed with marketing emails, numerous texts, and cold calls after signing up, which gives them a cringe-worthy feeling and creates a sense of pressure rather than education or support.

The Master class structure has been questioned, with most users realizing that the refund policy is restrictive.

This policy allows users to opt-out and get refunded within the first week, leaving users who are dissatisfied and want to discontinue a few options to get refunded after the first week into the next session.

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5: Alternatives to Dropship Unlocked

If you want to learn about the dropshipping business, free resources and alternatives to the Dropship unlocked masterclass require no payment. You can learn at your own pace without a hefty price tag.

You can learn a lot from YouTube tutorials, dropshipping blogs, forums, or by joining a specific dropshipping discussion on Reddit.

Other legit and reputable dropshipping courses offer insights and resources to transform an amateur into an expert.

You must do thorough research and due diligence before investing in any dropshipping course.

For dropshipping beginners specifically interested in UK dropshipping suppliers or the UK market, there are resourceful niche communities and free forums dedicated to gathering knowledge. These topics focus on providing valuable information and support.


Most dropship unlocked reviews online don’t portray the course positively. Still, as the saying goes, each person’s experience and expectations should allow you to sign up and test the course and services.

After carefully analyzing various dropship unlocked reviews left by previous customers, the mentorship may need to deliver on its promises.

Right from the owner’s questionable marketing practice, combined with primary and freely available content and the high cost, the drop ship unlocked course focuses more on generating revenue than providing or delivering value for money.

It’s, therefore, essential to do some investigation before investing in any dropshipping course.

Read online reviews, join forums, and engage with discussions like drop ship unlocked Reddit. This site features honest opinions about users who have invested in this course. The thread keeps updating, and not even one person has anything positive.

Have you taken part in the dropship unlocked masterclass? Comment below to share your experience, from the initial application process to onboarding to the actual learning.

Have you taken the Dropship Unlocked Masterclass? Share your experience in the comments below.


I was looking for ways of making a living working online from the comfort of my home,few years in am able not only to work from home but also help others achieve their dreams too. I am a full-time eCommerce expert dropshipping business ,Niche research and Facebook ads Expert.

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