This post will teach you how to optimize your Instagram profile account to skyrocket your business growth.
But first, you can read my previous post on Instagram Insights Hacks To Accelerate Your Growth.
If you intend to make money online, you must realize that your social media presence matters greatly.
Instagram’s management pointed out that about half of the businesses on Instagram do not even have websites; they rely on Instagram as their base point of contact.
Regardless of a killer website, the wealth of social media influence is worth tapping. Instagram, on its own, has a billion active users monthly, and over 80 percent of Instagram followers are businesses; over and above, two-thirds, or 2/3, of profile visits to companies arise from people not minding that particular business.
Your Instagram profile needs to be ready to convert these visits into customers. You have to optimize your call-to-action, bio, photo, and link.
Taking advantage of Instagram Action Buttons and Story Highlights would be best. How do I do all of these, you ask? This article will teach you how to optimize your Instagram profile.
Table of Contents
Ensure You Have an Instagram Business Profile
Instagram has two types of profiles: a normal and an Instagram business profile. The latter comes loaded with extra features and tools such as Instagram Insights, Instagram Ads, and Instagram Shopping- all of which you can use to grow your business.
Instagram insights’ data are beneficial for learning about your audience demographics, follower growth, post-impression, and post-performance.
You can add an Action Button to your Instagram business profile, allowing visitors to call, make a reservation, or visit your shop directly.

Note that the Instagram business profile has a dedicated section to display business hours and locations, so you save valuable space in your bio.
Additionally, you can add a contact button that allows users to contact you via SMS, Instagram direct messages, or email for customer support queries.
An Instagram business profile can access paid promotional opportunities, providing far more features and flexibilities than the standard profile. That is why over 25 billion businesses are using Instagram’s business profile.
Optimize Instagram Profile: Switching Profile Type
Head to your Instagram profile, then tap the gear icon to access account settings.
Scroll down and tap ”Switch to Business Profile.” Then follow the instructions. Instagram will prompt you to connect the account to your official Facebook page.
Next, enter your business phone number, email address, or physical address and tap ”Done.” Once you have completed converting to an Instagram business profile, the additional features will be available.
Choose a simple, recognizable, Easy-to-find Username.
With over a billion Instagram users, you must make it possible for people to find and interact with your profile. That is to say, when choosing a tremendous @username-whose moniker is known as ”handle,” it is vital to use a searchable, recognizable, and on-brand handle.
Naturally, you will want to use your business name, say, @Shopify. This prevents users from mistagging you in comments and posts. If your business name is already gone, try using it as the first part of your username, then add something extra.
The idea is to make your Instagram profile more likely to come up when users search for your business.
Alternatively, you can pay the current owner and take possession of the handle of your business name.
If you need to edit your username, navigate to your Instagram profile, then tap ”Edit Profile.”
Then, type the username you prefer and tap ”Done.” Instagram will ask you to choose a different username if the one you have picked is unavailable.
Easily Searchable Business Name.
Your Instagram profile has a ”Name” section where you must add your full business name.
It appears below your Instagram profile picture and in the search results.
To edit your Instagram profile business name, head to your profile, tap ”Edit Profile,” and type in your preferred name. This is one aspect to consider regarding ways to optimize Instagram profiles.
Use of Branded Instagram Profile Picture
Your profile picture must look great because it draws the attention of every person who visits your Instagram profile. Furthermore, it shows up next to every post and comment you share.
It should be representative of your business and easily recognizable. Try to use the same profile picture across all your social media profiles. This consistency will strengthen your brand presence. For most businesses, it is best to use the company logo.
If you lack a stunning business logo, check out free tools like Shopify’s Hatchful, which will help you create a professional-looking logo.
It will be worthwhile to study other businesses within your niche and observe what kind of profile pictures they are using.
However, Instagram profile pictures are small because they are cropped to fit the circular frame. To view them uncropped and in their full size, you must follow the following short process.
1. On your computer web browser, go to the Instagram page of your choice.
2. View the page source
3. After opening the source code, use browser search functions to search ‘jpg.’
4. Copy the first link that comes up
5. Paste the link into the URL bar. Voila! You can view the full image.
As much as you have to go through some hoops, seeing full-uncropped Instagram profile pictures can be tremendously helpful for competitive analysis.
You can leverage them to decide what type of image you want; you stand to gain a massive advantage by conducting an Instagram search and then looking up your competitors’ profile pictures.
If you need to edit your Instagram profile picture, navigate to your profile, tap ”Edit Profile” then tap ”Change profile Picture”
The minimum prerequisite for your Instagram profile photo is 110px by 110px, but for best results, the dimensions should be 180px by 180px. Although Instagram users use circular pictures, you do not have to create a circular image yourself—Instagram does the cropping for you.
Create a square image with a logo in the center for great results, even if the corners disappear. It still looks great.
Informative and Intriguing Bio.
After your Instagram profile picture and name come your bio, a prime real estate gets you just 150 characters, which demands you to use them wisely.
The gist is that your Instagram bio should not be about your business; rather, it should be about your clients or, more specifically, about what you can do for your customer?”
For example, let us take National Geographic. Their bio does not say, ”We post marvelous photos from National Geographic photographers.” That is all about them.
But instead, it says, Experiences the world through the eyes of National Geographic photographers. They are addressing you and underscoring the benefit you will get by following.
The other option is for your bio to speak to something that is a hallmark of your brand’s spirit and more profound mission. It is what Starbucks Coffee has done, and its bio reads, ”inspiring and nurturing the human spirit man, one cup, one neighborhood at a time.”
National Geographic and Starbucks Coffee bios are about how they aim to benefit their customers. To keep things simple and effective, summarize what you do and how it helps the user and include a call to action.
Writing your bio does not require Shakespeare; it is a simple formula that could work exceptionally well. Consider using emojis, especially if you are targeting a younger audience. A single-character emoji can bring your words to life.
In sum, use your Instagram profile bio to showcase the benefits your business provides.
Include Compelling Call-to-Action.
A CTA, also known as a call to action, should urge visitors to take a specific action that moves them along the buyer’s journey.
If you are unsure what a CTA is, it could be something like “Call Us Now,” or consider the actions you want users to take to move closer to buying or using your product.
In the case of expensive products, people will likely want to know more before purchasing. You may like them to sign up for your mailing list to download a free guide to learn more, and you market to them via email.
For example, Foundr Magazine prompts users to check their courses and captures contact details in the process.
It may interest you to learn how they effectively incorporated pointing down emoji to highlight the link and ”FREE” emoji to draw attention to the benefit.
Mercedes Benz deploys a different approach and asks people to share their Mercedes Benz pictures using a dedicated hashtag. Mercedes’s system is thoughtful, considering that user-generated content has a 4.5 percent higher chance of conversion.
However, if you are dealing with products often bought on impulse, you may want to nudge people to shop your feed. You may wish your viewers to read your new blog post or visit a particular product page.
You must carefully determine what action you want viewers to take next, use your bio to include a call to action, and highlight your link.
Optimizing Your Call-to-Action.
Since you can not add clickable links in post descriptions on Instagram, your Instagram profile links become essential. It directs people to the link in your bio if you intend to post to drive traffic to a page or website. It is the simplest way to get people to engage with your brand outside of Instagram.
You only get one link; therefore, it is worth changing it regularly to promote your latest product, offer, content, or campaign. Many marketers make the mistake of using one standard link on their profiles, but you have to update the link and the call-to-action in your bio, then post a few videos or photos asking followers to check it out.
Your Instagram profile link is a gold mine in collecting more info on how users interact with your profile. To execute the data collection, all you need to do is create a trackable link.
Tools like Bitly allow you to track link data, including total clicks, top referrers, top locations, and unique clicks.
Enabling Notifications to Maintain Activity.
Rule of thumb: Do not forget the ”social” in ”social media.”
Instagram profiles grow best when they are at the center of the community, and this is premised on interactivity and engagement. Users expect quick responses; nearly half of people(respondents) around the globe expect a reaction on social media within 24 hours.
Enabling Instagram notifications ensures you or your team can respond to your audience immediately. To access this information, tap the cog icon on your profile, go to “Options,” scroll down, and tap on”Push Notification.”
Make sure ”Vibrate for notification” is on and you have selected ”From everyone” for comments.
If you are a newbie and just starting, you should be notified whenever someone likes your posts. You can say hello and thank them, thus building stronger relationships that will help you grow.
Sharing Quality Content with Strong Brand Aesthetic.
It matters a lot on Instagram, given that this social media is based entirely on visual content. Your Instagram aesthetic should vigorously represent your overall brand; this is your first chance to make a last impression on any potential follower, and it can not be said loud enough that first impression counts.
To develop your brand aesthetic, consider your target audience, from your brand colors and how you want to make them feel to what style of imagery resonates with them most.
Here is the thing: consistency. That is the name of the game. So, be it vibrant or washed out, bright or dark, pick a look and stick to it.
If you are not a photography whizz, then:
Keep Things Simple & Choose Filter.
To keep things simple, use the same Instagram filters on all your posts. Six out of 10 (6/10) top brands on Instagram use the same filter for every position.
The question of which filter to use depends on your brand personality. However, Claredon is an Instagram that has won the hearts of 119 countries.
The research also revealed the correlation between popular filters and post type. And the best filters for different types of Instagram posts are:
- Fashion filter: Kelvin
- Nature filter: Valencia
- Selfie filters: Normal
- Food filter: Skyline
If you have already shared images that misfit your ideal brand aesthetic, the fix is to archive them.
The archive features let you hide and unhide posts without losing analytics, comments, or likes.
To do this, go to the image where you want to remove your profile, tap the menu indicated by the three dots, and tap ”Archive.”
The bottom line is ensuring your Instagram content is high-quality and aligns with your brand aesthetic.
Showcase Content and offers with Instagram Stories Highlights.
You want to take advantage of Instagram story highlights, which have features that let you pin stories to your Instagram profile. Like the different website pages, you can use story highlights to engage users, educate, and promote.
You can use the Instagram story highlights to showcase different products to shop. To add story highlights to your Instagram profile, you create an Instagram story, and when viewing your account, tap ”Highlight.”
Add More CTAs using Instagram Action Buttons.
In May 2018, Instagram rolled out Action Buttons for all its business profiles.
The Action Buttons are located directly on your business profile and let users take action to engage with your brand. They also allow you to extract more from your profile by providing users with simple ways to enhance their interaction with your business.
Presently Instagram has 3-Action Buttons: ”Start Order” ”Reserve” and ”Book”
Action Buttons integrate with third-party apps that let users promote specific types of info like restaurant or event booking. Some of the third-party apps that integrate with Action Buttons are:
- GlossGenius
- Booksy
- Gebbooks
- Appointment by Scheduling
- Acuity Scheduling
- Fresha
- Sentmore
- Apointy
- Vagaro
- Treatwell
- Styleseat
- Schedulista
- Squire
- Salon iris
- Shore
- MyTime
- GetTimely
- Schedullicity
- Booktable
- Tock
- Gurunayi
- Restorando
- Quandoo
- Resy
- LaFourchette
- Reserve
- SevenRooms
- Yelp
The apps are action-based, and when used with Instagram Action Buttons, they allow people to take the next step, building a relationship with the brand. For instance, Eventbrite offers a platform where people can find and book event tickets.
To take advantage of Instagram Action Buttons, you will first set up a profile on these platforms before you can connect it to your Instagram profile.
Go to your Instagram profile, tap ”Edit Profile” scroll down, tap ”Contact option” then add ”Add an action button.”
A list of different types of action buttons available is brought up. The action buttons on your Instagram profile depend on the app you choose for the button integration.
Finally, select the Action Button to add to your Instagram profile. On the third-party app you wish users to be redirected to, enter the URL for your account or page, then tap “Done.”
To save your settings, tap ”Done” again, and the button will be active on your Instagram profile.
Share Your Profile
You must get your profile out there if you want people to see it. Sharing your profile is essential but often overlooked. Optimizing your profile will make you stand out on Instagram. However, it is best to supplement it by sharing your profile around.
Use all the available methods for the best results among the many ways you can effectively share profiles. Sharing your profile plays a significant role in optimizing your Instagram profile for your business.
How to share your Instagram profile
Grab your Instagram profile link to remember it; it is just
Secondly, use the link to share your Instagram profile on other social media platforms and websites.
Thirdly, think about sharing specific posts.
There are two ways to get individual post links: On the desktop, click one of the posts on the profile, and the URL will change automatically to reflect the post’s address.
On mobile, you tap the 3 dots next to the post you want to share, tap ”Copy link”, and now you can share it as usual.
A quick round-up on sharing your Instagram profile.
1. Grab your profile link by typing; add your username at the end, for example,
2. Share the link on other social media platforms and websites
3. Grab individual post links to maximize impact.
Optimize Instagram Profile: Conclusion
Going by stats for many businesses, a compelling business profile is more valuable than a full-fledged website. Instagram takes you to the people while people come to the site.
While at it, commit the following to memory:
- Optimize the core components of your profile: your Bio, profile picture, link, and handle.
- You can take advantage of new features like Action Buttons and Stories Highlights. Action Buttons allow you to add other strategic calls to action, while story highlights work like different pages on the website.
- Consistency is vital. Ensure that you regularly post high-quality content that syncs with your brand aesthetic.
- You build the relationship through communication, turn on your Instagram profile notification, and engage your following.
If you are looking for ways to optimize your Instagram profile, the above pointers will help you grow and scale your business.
I couldn’t cover everything needed to optimize my Instagram profile, but I hope the above was helpful.
If you have questions about optimizing your Instagram profile, kindly post them below.
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