Shipping is paramount. So, go to settings and click on shipping. On this page, you can add shipping zones and set up Shopify shipping rates in your Shopify store.

The shipping origin is right above your shipping zones, and that’s the address you entered for your business when you signed up for Shopify. 

That’s immaterial because the supplier will process all your orders here. I’ll show you how to download those orders in a second, but first, you’ve had to set up your shipping zones. 

Access Setting Section

How To Set Up Shopify Shipping Rates In Your Store

So click on add shipping zone to start setting up your Shopify shipping rates. This is crucial because if you want the shipping costs that work on the page, you want to make sure that customers aren’t getting fleeced for shipping or that you’re not just getting people to do free shipping, lest you want to do free shipping or it’s a common thing in your Niche. 

Free shipping is not prudent, mainly if you sell a lower-priced product and want to charge for shipping. 

How To Set Up Shopify Shipping Rates In Your Store

If your price is around $320, you can offer free shipping. Again, you can look at what your main rivals do.

I bet you’ll find those who offer free shipping, some even offering free 1-3 day express shipping. That’s mainly because they deal with much more expensive merchandise; thus, they make a high profit margin anyway.

How To Set Up Shopify Shipping Rates In Your Store

However, I’ll show you here. Let’s assume you want to charge $10 for a unit, $15 for two units, and $20 for three. 

That way, I’ll demonstrate how to set this up. 

You can go to Price Based Rate and click Add Rate for free shipping.

In the name field, put “Free shipping” because your customer will see that, and you can name it anything you want.

Your customer will see this on the checkout page, so you should make it even look good. 

So, select free shipping at the mark-free shipping rate and hit “done.” That’s it. That’s all you have to do for free shipping.

For the Zone name, select worldwide, click manage, and choose the rest of the world. That’s it—that’s all you have to do. 

Shopify shipping rates

But let’s set up your shipping zones to align with the theoretical $10 for a unit, $15 for two, and $20 for three units.

You’ll use the US for the zone name. In this instance, we’ll name it Shipping to the US. 

You want to select the United States for countries and regions and then click Save. 

Shopify shipping rates

Next, you choose a weight-based rate. Remember how we selected the weights for one of your handsets to be 100 grams? 

Shopify shipping rates

That’s why one unit is 100 grams, and two are 200 grams. Because metrics are in Kg, shipping costs from 0 to 0.19kg would be $10. 

How To Set Up Shopify Shipping Rates In Your Store

Name it, Express USA shipping, and theoretically, you can even add two or three to shipping. But don’t lie; you risk having your shop shut down fast.

You will do $10 for the rate. To calculate a rate, skip that and hit done.

If you want to add another weight-based rate, name it Express US shipping, and then here, for two units, you will do from 0.2 minimum up to 0.29kg max, a $15 shipping rate hit done.

Shopify shipping rates

The shipping rate for a $20 item would be the same, so the name Express US shipping cost would be 0.3-0.39kg for $20, right? 

The best way is to click save. So, there you go. You can still return to your shipping zones and continue setting the United States shipping price. 

If you charge for shipping, it would be best to have shipping rates set for the United States. 

This way, it’d be like $10 for one unit, $15 for two, and $20 for three units, and then I would have a shipping rate for Australia.

You add another shipping Zone with a name like “shipping to Australia” and then redo the whole part again. 

Countries and regions do Australia because shipping to Australia costs more than shipping to the United States.

Repeat for the weight-based weights. You can also do the same for Europe. 

Go to add shipping, add shipping, click manage, and then click on Europe. Since you can’t go to Europe, you must choose every country, like Norway or Spain.

Typically, the countries would essentially be like the ePacket countries. 

If you type ePacket countries on Google, these countries have just better shipping agreements. 

To see all the European countries, you would find Finland, France, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, et cetera.

Conclusion on How To Set Up Shopify Shipping Rates

Then, you can go back to your shipping page and select them. Ultimately, you would have the Add shipping zone all filled out correctly, so the shipping would work.

However, as I said, if it’s free shipping, you don’t have to do any of this; click and do the free shipping Zone. 

If you have questions about setting up Shopify shipping rates for your store, please let me know in the comment section below.

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I was looking for ways of making a living working online from the comfort of my home,few years in am able not only to work from home but also help others achieve their dreams too. I am a full-time eCommerce expert dropshipping business ,Niche research and Facebook ads Expert.

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