What is the Jasper ai PAS Framework, and how does it work? We reviewed the other Jarvis.ai templates previously. Today, we’ll cover the PAS Framework, also referred to as the Problem Agitate Solution.
This time, I’m going to share the solution with you. Jasper AI is what you’re looking for. To demonstrate, I’ll instruct Jarvis to create reasons why you should use the PAS framework to create your content.

Copywriting formulas are akin to the tools on Batman’s belt. You can swiftly whip one should you find yourself in a dash to execute a task. They’re comprised of different strategies that can be combined to write any copy efficiently.
Among these is PAS, a copywriting approach that you can start implementing immediately. It is, without a doubt, one of the most commonly used copywriting formulas in existence today.
For the simple reason that it works incredibly well. However, what do the various components signify, and how do you correctly utilize them? Investigate the following to ascertain.
In this Post
- What is PAS?
- The PAS Copywriting Framework Breaking Down
- PAS Copywriting Examples
- Bottomline On PAS Copywriting Model
What is Jasper ai PAS Framework
PAS is an acronym for pain-agitate-solution in copywriting. Copywriters can save time and energy by leveraging formulas such as PAS rather than coming up with entirely new combinations.

Writing formulas are created by employing time-tested and practical strategies that serve as fill-in-the-blank templates. Thus, even if multiple authors follow the same formula, the copy will always be unique.
You are not required to appear like everyone else because you are writing for a whole distinct audience, product, and so forth.
You’ve worked tirelessly to create an incredible product. Indeed, it is so good that you wish it would sell itself. However, this is not the case.
Your ability to connect with your audience is entirely up to you. Thus, you don your marketing cap (Did you purchase it from the marketing store?)
It’s time to craft emails, sales pages, blog pieces, and Facebook advertisements-in fact, everything that will help you reach your target demographic. You’re going to need good marketing collateral. However, there is one recurring issue: nobody reads it.
Your Facebook Ads relevancy score is around 5 or 6, your email open rates are less than 30%, and Google Analytics’ time-on-page analysis indicates that people are abandoning your sales page in less than 8 seconds!
How come you’re performing this poorly?! You spend money sending traffic to your sales pages, but they all bounce off. Isn’t it challenging to cut through the noise & engage with your audience?
And it’s incredibly aggravating when you’re good at the quality of your product! If only people would give you a chance, they would quickly see that it is well worth the investment and has the potential to make a significant difference in their lives.
Other businesses, on the other hand, appear to have no difficulty attracting clients. Why are you not participating? What is this grandiose plot all about? Strap in because you’re about to learn something that will permanently alter your marketing strategy.
A relatively simple hack. It Is Effective.
According to legend, a magician never let’s slip his secrets. Today you have the opportunity to serve as my apprentice. I’m going to demonstrate a straightforward copywriting formula that works for any situation. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll notice it everywhere, much like the Matrix code. Indeed, you will be unable to ‘undo’ what you have seen.
And, yes, I am aware that this is sneaky, but I have already used the formula on you in this post. The formula is referred to as PAS. Further, this formula applies to everything from blog posts to sales letters, as well as everything in between.
There are no bounds! That should suffice for now. Let us now proceed to the more exciting aspect of the review.
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- Jarvis.ai Long-form Assistant Tips To Quality Content (2021)
- How To Use AIDA Framework In Jarvis AI Copywriting Tool 2021
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The PAS Copywriting Framework Breaking Down
You’re about to learn what each of the pain-agitate-solution elements means and how to use them effectively in your writing. Find delight in the epic copy.
The Marketing Framework is based on the PAS. Let’s examine in this section the Problem-Agitate-Solution template for creating fresh marketing concepts.

The Problem-Agitate-Solution framework assists in the development of new marketing concepts by identifying the issue, agitating it. Hence, the reader feels their pain and then buys it to persuade them to purchase something else or start utilizing your product/service.
The Problem-Agitate-Solution framework is a time-honored copywriting strategy that engages readers by emphasizing human responses to achieve the maximum conversion rates possible from your copy.
It has a wide range of applications:
- When a new product enters the market and fails to address a customer’s pain point adequately, a fresh angle is required.
- To create new business by raising awareness of your company’s offerings.
- To provide fresh ideas or improvements to an existing marketing effort.
- When you require content for your social media platforms, email campaigns, or website.
What motivates people to buy something? Because they are confronted with a problem or a source of pain. Copywriting is an emotional endeavor. That is critical to remember.
If readers aren’t staying to read your content, it’s because they haven’t identified an immediate reason to do so. They must immediately perceive value.
If you can accurately identify a problem they’re having, you’ll halt them in their tracks. You do not yet need to overwhelm readers with some further details. All you need to do is connect with their problems.
However, there is one caveat: you must truly nail it.
You can not make assumptions about the difficulties that you believe your target audience faces. You must be 100% certain of it.
You must be able to articulate their problem even more effectively than they can.
This is why, as the first stage in product development, it is critical to communicate with your target audience and ascertain their pain points. What words do they use to express their problems? How do they describe themselves? The more research that can be conducted on this subject, the better.
In action: ‘Problem.’
I described the problem of writing content that no one will bother to read at the outset of this post. This is especially true for marketing content that you wish people to read because it directly results in sales.
I am fully aware of the problem. It is what has motivated me throughout the years to improve as a writer.
And I provided you with data and numeric evidence to demonstrate that I am aware of it. Relevance scores, click-through rates, and time on page analytics are all available on Facebook. I’ve quantified that, and if you have as well. Then I’m speaking to you now in your language.
If you weren’t captivated, it’s either because I dropped the ball or because that isn’t a problem you’ve been confronted with, which means that you are not my intended audience.
However, if you have not yet begun selling a product, believe me when I say that this will fast become a problem.
Why the ‘Problem’ works as follows:
If you can articulate someone’s problems more accurately than they can, you will captivate them. This implies that you are discussing their problem for a reason. Readers may even conclude that you must own the solution, given your proficiency at comprehending it.
It’s nearly impossible for a reader to click away from something you’ve captured so brilliantly.
The human brain has gotten so adept at solving problems that when it encounters one, it is unable to resolve, it becomes stuck, and we fight to leave without resolving the tension.
This is why cliffhangers work so well on television shows and why, according to Backlinko, headlines that end with a question mark receive 23.3 percent more social shares than those that do not.
However, refrain from making a sale at this time. B Before that, there was still work to be done.
It’s all too simple to produce copy that focuses exclusively on facts and statements, oblivious to the actual reason buyers purchase. That is why the first component of our copywriting formula is to identify the reader’s problem.
According to Gerald Zaltman, a professor at Harvard University, the purchasing process is 95% emotional.
Yes, exactly. Not a bit, but nearly wholly emotional. Consider for a moment that your customer is promoting a home security system.
What do you believe the customer’s pain point would be if they purchased such a product? Bear in mind that emotions, values, and experiences should all be considered. Among them are:
- Wishing for peace of mind, particularly if they reside in a high-crime area, etc.
- Fear of burglary and loss of property.
- Desire to ensure the safety of their family and children.
- Committed to maintaining a sanctuary in their home.
Keeping these points in mind, you can then incorporate them into the introduction of your copy.
Because it piques their interest and elicits an emotional response, whether people are aware of it or not, these are the deeper motivations for buying a particular product.
For the sake of clarity, allow me to state the following.
- This is not a Bluetooth connection.
- The installation is not easy.
- It is for their protection.
This takes me to the point I’m going to make next.
After you’ve pinpointed the source of the pain point, it’s time to stir things up. You want them to think, worry, and be on the lookout for a solution.
Copywriters can execute these by elaborating on the experiences and problems generated by the first pain point.
Unfortunately, simply describing someone’s problems using the PAS formula is insufficient. You must employ a psychological dimension.
How do you implement that? Agitate on the very thing that causes pain.
Agitation entails exacerbating the negative feelings and pain generated by the problem. It thus entails explaining why it hurts. At this point, you’ve graduated from merely describing the problem to describing how it feels to experience that pain and where it originates.
You may be familiar with the term ‘value vs. feature’ statements. However, if you haven’t before, here’s a quick cheat sheet: A feature of a product is valuable only if the consumer benefits from it. Focusing on the perks makes a consumer more likely to regard the product and its features as useful.
Whoa. That was pretty long.
Consider the following: Having a three-finned surfboard (feature) signifies little until you can persuade a surfer that three fins increase traction on the waves (benefit).
Agitation is the polar opposite of the value/features statement. Rather than describing a feature, you explain a problem. And instead of presenting the benefits, you’re going to highlight the drawbacks, a.k.a. the downsides.
For instance, a businessman’s lack of productivity may be a problem. Still, the agitation focuses on how he is forced to work late to compensate, consequently spending less time with his family and ultimately feeling detached from them.
In action: Agitation:
At the beginning of this post, I admitted that I was agitated by the pain points. My primary concerns were as follows:
• You are throwing money away on ineffective ads.
Why does attracting your audience feel impossible?
• It’s aggravating because you’re confident in your product’s quality.
• It’s absurd because other businesses appear to thrive.
In each of these scenarios, I advanced from the problem at hand, which is that no one cares about your content, and agitated it by focusing on how it feels to have that problem.
Reasons Agitation is Effective:
If you’ve piqued their interest with a description of their problem, agitation will prompt them to take an introspective look at themselves.
We all have problems, but we truly want to escape the unpleasant feelings of irritation and pain caused by the problem.
If you’ve nailed it, at this point, you’ve now articulated a problem and focused on all the terrible feelings that accompany it. Your readers have been taken on a little journey, and the issue is now front and center in their minds, precisely where you want it.
Continuing from the preceding scenario (under pain), we may argue that not having a high-tech home alarm system results in the following:
• Constantly fret and be concerned about the security of their home.
• Increases the likelihood of a break-in or theft
• Endanger their family and children, etc.
You simply need to dive deeper into the original problem you described. This causes the customer to leap from their seat to locate a solution. Which, by the way, you have.
Finding your article would be sheer misery in the case of a piece. Of course, you are not going to. Your readers are clamoring for it, so now is the time to provide it. It is now time for.
The final part of the PAS formula is to provide a solution to the reader’s problem. The solution is the concluding component of the problem.
However, before you begin your advertisement/email/sales page/(or whatever medium you choose to promote your product), you should prime your reader by showing them the problem you are about to address and the bad feelings you will eliminate.
After this is established, you can introduce your solution to the problem (a.k.a. your product).
However, you can not disregard all of your work to prepare your readers for this part. Now that you’ve introduced the features/benefits of your product, you may speak directly to the problems your product answers. After all, your readers share your viewpoint (literally).
In Action: Solution
Yes, just after I described how difficult it is to persuade people to read your marketing content. After I agitated those feelings, I promised you I would give you a copywriting formula to empower you.
If I had started with the formula, you would have missed the actual application of this strategy. Do not put the cart (your product) before the horse (the problem).
At this juncture in the article, I’m still trying to illustrate why this formula captures and holds your readers’ attention, which was the problem I highlighted at the start.
The Reason the Solution Is Effective At This Point:
This is why introducing your product after the problem/agitation is so effective: your readers will assume your product is the solution before you even say it.
The transformative power of context.
Suppose you’ve taken the time to thoroughly identify your reader’s problem and agitated the unpleasant feelings connected with it by the time your reader hears about your product. In that case, they’ll already understand its worth without you having to state it explicitly.
Suddenly, their view of the product changes dramatically.
This is in stark contrast to scrolling through an advertisement or article that begins with the product.
The reader is intrigued to hear how your product would resolve that issue and alleviate those feelings.
Keeping in mind that I stated that this formula works for any content or copy, accomplishing this will vary depending on the situation. Consider a sales letter or landing page as an example.
In this case, offering your product, service, or lead magnet would suffice. Consider, however, a blog article, such as one written by a prominent author in the business.
It starts by addressing a common pain point for marketers: being reactive to their boss, coworkers, and environment. That I can attest is true!
The author agitates this point in the essay by referring to an irate boss, a lack of outcomes, and circumstances beyond the reader’s control.
He finally offers a solution by advising readers to unplug and demonstrating how he resolved this issue independently. That is all there is to it.
In a few sentences, the phrase “pain-agitate-solution” was employed. However, let us have a look at some other examples of it in action.
PAS Copywriting Examples
These are a few of my favorite instances of the PAS formula being employed in copywriting.
Take notes and incorporate them into your copy!
#1. An e-book about Microsoft’s mobile transformation
Pain-agitate-solution thrives on landing pages and comparable channels that feature an offer for a product or lead magnet.
That is why it is not surprising that Microsoft utilized it on the landing page for this e-book on mobile transformation.
They discuss frequent problems that their customers face, such as the stress associated with managing mobile assistance and the difficulty associated with cloud data security.
Additionally, what do you know?
Their e-book, it just so happens, resolves all of that.
Take note of the ease with which the PAS framework is installed in this case.
It can span multiple pages in anything like a sales letter or be used more quickly than Bruce Lee.
# 2. An article by Moz on thought leadership
This is an intriguing one.
Moz published an article on how to become a thought leader in any field.
They make use of the PAS framework but in a novel way.
The writer reverses the agitate and solution components to comfort the reader before reintroducing the problem immediately.
This excites the reader and then concerns them immediately, bouncing them around like a ping pong ball searching for an explanation.
You can achieve a similar effect in your next project by rearranging the elements of this formula.
It retains the same techniques but alters the predictability.
# 3. The inbound framework developed by HubSpot
This is the HubSpot inbound marketing framework’s landing page.
The first paragraph, highlighted with an arrow above, states that while marketing channels have developed, their accompanying problems have not.
They expand on this by stating that disjointed tools and trouble measuring campaigns are common issues. AKA they’ve located and pricked a source of pain.
That’s when they come to the rescue by portraying their free advice as a technique to improve marketing campaign performance.
Incentive Section
Depending on your scenario, product, or marketing piece, you may wish to include the optional ‘O’ for ‘Outcome.’
This is the section in which you explain — through examples — what the reader can expect to receive, feel, or do as a result of purchasing the product.
The point of this part is to show what life could be like after your solution. How would it feel to be free of those problems? What could they possibly do with the extra time? What are their prospects?
It’s the cathartic conclusion to the reader’s pain journey. It’s time to roll the credits. Or, more precisely, the call-to-action.
Augment your copywriting abilities even more!
This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Excellent copywriting is a synthesis of marketing theory and strong writing abilities. However, you can continue to learn for free.
Please take advantage of our complimentary resources or take an online course to help you enhance your copywriting skills today.
Try Out the PAS Framework!
Problem-Agitate-Solution. A valuable framework for coming up with new marketing copy ideas.
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You input the data, and what Jarvis generates is what is returned to you for use. You will make minor tweaks to the content before delivery, but there will be no revisions because Jarvis created the content.

Not only do I appreciate the PAS framework for its ability to connect with an audience, but it also assists me in determining where to begin.
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When I’m creating sales pages, emails, or even something as simple as opt-in forms, if I ever feel stuck on where to begin. I’ll proceed to PAS.
Further, the PAS formula does not have to be limited to long-form content! It can be as straightforward as a headline + slogan + CTA.
Give it a shot the next time you sit down on a blank page and see how it goes. By then, if your work is still not converting, conduct additional market research. Your first ‘issue’ could be slightly erroneous.
Bottomline On the PAS Copywriting Model
You want to economize on time and energy spent on those arduous copywriting jobs, don’t you? Then you would be insane not to employ a copywriting formula such as PAS. It’s suitable for blog posts, sales letters, and email newsletters, among other things.
The first step is to express the reader’s problem adequately. Then continue. What are the symptoms and complications associated with this problem? Following that, you can position your expertise, product, or whatever else you like as the golden key.
How can you leverage pain-agitate-solution?
The Problem – Agitate – Solution process is a three-step approach that enables you to produce more leads and sales through your website and email campaigns. It will assist you in developing more effective content by demonstrating how the Problem, Agitation, and Solution structure work in practice.
It will give you an idea of creating effective marketing messages, which eventually contributes to the rise in conversions on your website or landing page.
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