Starting Your Dropshipping Business
“Can I still make money, Dropshipping?”
“Have I missed the Dropshipping bus?”
“Is it too late to Start Dropshppng business?”
“All the Dropshipping niches are saturated, right?”
These questions make for the same old set of questions, nothing new. And there’s a pattern to it, just like you, people have asked the same questions for years. I’ve heard them for a good part of my eCommerce experience.

But even as you while-away question asking on the sidelines, draping with lame excuses, risk-takers get occupied building successful Shopify stores one after the other, generating wealth soak in fame, and changing their lives for the better.
So, is it too late to start a Dropshipping Business in 2020?
No Amigo!
In fact, in the entire history of the internet, there has never been a convenient time than now to not only mint money online changing your life but impact millions of lives across the globe, providing practical solutions to problems as well.
You don’t trust me, No?
In this post, I’ll give a dozen compelling reasons backed by substantial numbers, stats, and examples why today is a perfect time starting Dropshipping business.
The lessons you’ll learn in this article include:
- Why Google advanced algorithms are high for eCommerce and genuine Dropshippers
- How you can set up a six-figure Dropshipping store without maintaining an inventory
- How ordinary folks have MUCH better potential becoming millionaires setting up eCommerce stores
- How of an expert you’re with thousands of people willing to follow you
Every Month, Millions of New People Come Online.
For folks in Europe, the US and the rest of the developed world, it’s inconceivable to go just even for a day without the internet,
Just so you know, close to half of the global population has no access to the internet.
In 2018, a report by Global Digital revealed that 47% of the world’s population has no access to the internet.
Also, another study indicates that every day about a million people access for the first time in their lives. This estimate translates to 11 new users per second.
A look at these sheer numbers seems to postulate that the size of your target segment grows at an exponential rate. Soon, billions of new people will join the internet, most of whom will become online searchers, shoppers, and consumers.
For most, even the necessary info on Shopify, digital products, Dropshipping et cetera will provide advanced knowledge.
Just visualize the business opportunities and possibilities around the new users.
This point is a testament that the internet’s saturation point is decades away, and starting your Dropshipping business TODAY is a million times better than doing it a year later.
There’s Constant Search for Information on the Internet
Just curious, where do you look for health tips, food discounts, cheap flight deals, and movie recommendations?
Google, right?
Almost 93% of all eCommerce originates from search engines, and at least once, 87% of smartphone users utilize search engines.
A survey by Smart Insight reports that daily searches on Google have surpassed the 3.5 billion mark cumulatively totaling to 1.2 trillion a year.
The mind-boggling stats project a picture that folks now more than before heavily rely on Google for their daily info needs, and the numbers only look set to grow going forward.
From a Dropshipping perspective, regardless of the niche, you’re in, your segment audience is perpetually searching search engines for solutions and related info to their problems. They seek answers, and the number can only grow.
Improving your store’s search visibility, and providing solutions to your audience, search engines on their own can propel your eCommerce growth for years to come.
Never Before Has It Been Easier Starting Dropshipping.
Time has changed. A couple of years back, you’d have to part with say about $10,000 for a simple, static eCommerce website with basic layout and zero select options, and it took a week too to set up.
Today through any of the leading website builders, it’s possible to set up a responsive Dropshipping store. By far, Shopify is the most accessible platform whereby in minutes, you can set up a store.
Even Shopify’s premium themes just go for a couple of hundred bucks.
Consequently, millions of ordinary folks with limited know-how regarding website development run their Shopify store.
Elements such as user tracking and social network integration that once were a preserve of giant brands and would cost a fortune can today get acquired on a single Shopify App.
From landing product pages, invoicing to payment processing also available are plug-play tools for all that you need in Dropshipping.
The long-short of it is that you can start Dropshipping in any niche of choice.
Required of you is to have ideas about products or niches that solve problems them you turn them into business, set up the store, build your audience, then it’s good to go.
Meagre-lack of resources or technical know-how has since ceased to exist.
You Can Learn Any New Skill Set of Choice.
Up until a couple of years back, lacking in skill-set has been the primary reason most people got reluctant to start an eCommerce business.
And the roof prices of professional training, College education did little to alleviate the situation for those with the need to upgrade their skill-set.
Not anymore today.
Without pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into degrees, regardless of your location, so long you’ve got an internet connection, you can start Dropshipping.
Whether you want to deal in Print-On-Demand, carve out a Dropshipping niche, or learn a skill like generating traffic to your Shopify store, in your terms/pace, you can do all of these from the comfort of home.
There’s no shortage to self-taught millionaires among top Dropshippers raking in over $100k monthly. Without conventional classroom education, they’ve turned to dropshipping forums, YouTube Videos to learn Dropshipping.
Do the same, join online learning portals, or simply hit YouTube search to find tons of free courses on Dropshipping or simply enroll in my dropshipping mentorship program, which is a 30 days Training covering 2-3 hours a day via any desk.
You will learn more than what youtube and other channels can offer you.
There Are Various Ways To Make a Living with Dropshipping.
To launch and make a living, Dropshipping isn’t as convoluted as perceived by most. In reality, starting the brick-and-mortar business is much harder than a dropshipping since there’s no need for a factory or a physical office that costs fortunes.
You can Dropship in hundreds of ways, all of which can be remotely managed from anywhere to mint money online. For instance, through your store, you can niche it to vending facial scrubs and make money.
Also, you can create content around passion or hobbies, use it to build loyal-vibrant traction, and ultimately provide service or sell products to this community.
There are dozens of great examples of stores that began small, over time, grew into vibrant, profitable business selling merchandise sourced from dependable vendors.
With the Dropshipping and availability of digital courses on the same, there are infinite possibilities to turn passion into a profitable online business.
Dropshipping Business Growth is Skyrocketing.
Dropshipping is growing at an insane pace. In 2017 alone, the global eCommerce sales went past $2.3 trillion-mark, a whopping 25% jump from 2016 that’s according eMarketers report.
A separate study by Shopify suggests a further growth of these numbers. Like in 2014, the research shows $1.4 trillion, which spiked to $3.3 trillion in 2019.
The study also projects global eCommerce sales growth of between $3.9 to $5 trillion in 2020 and 2021, respectively.
Dropshipping is not some seasonal trend gig or temporary boom; it’s a business borne of today’s world’s necessities.
To help you have a sense of these numbers, AliExpress, the largest retail store, recently assumed the position of the most valuable company.
What does that mean for you?
For sure, you can’t compete with AliExpress; however, staring a niche focus on Dropshipping to claim a piece of the pie is not a far-fetched reality.
To amplify the point I’m making is an exemplary case of the Shopify dropshipping store in the survival niche.
Mark Macdonald, an ex-con turned his life around, building a Shopify store raking in $80k+ per month in recurring revenue Dropshipping survival merchandise.
Another great example is by Steve Chou, founder of MyWifeQuitHerJob; together with his wife, they launched a store selling linen and handkerchiefs for a special occasion and, in just a few years, grew it into a six-figure business.
I got news for you; to maximize on the boom, you do not need to start a niche store. The rise of Dropshipping is proof that folks are willing to purchase products online, and it impacts every type of business.
For instance, as a blogger, it’s possible to add your store on the site then vend relevant merchandise. There are endless opportunities.
Folks Are Willing To Spend Money Online
Long gone are the day people were uneasy spending online owing to security and privacy issues. Also, Shopify stores weren’t trusted to deliver the best quality merchandise. But not anymore.
Today a whopping 80% of consumers feel safe making payment online when trustworthy Trust badges display on the checkout page; that’s according to Smart Insights.
Also, the online payment volume is growing. In 2017, the world’s largest online payment processor, Pay Pal, processed more than $352 billion.
What do these stats portend for your Dropshipping venture?
If folks feel more and more secure making payment online, the more revenue you’ll generate from your Dropshipping store.
The continuous rise in prospects’ trust is an indication that more people regard online payment safe as opposed to a few years back.
For argument’s sake, a store getting the same number of leads as in 2016 generates more revenue now than previously since more consumers now complete the payment process.
Things look set to get better in the future.
Today Search Engines Have Deeper Insights On User Intent
The evolution of search engines is fantastic news for thousands of Shopify store owners.
Search engines today interpret searcher’s intent and rank content on products based on quality and relevance.
Today quality gets rewarded as it becomes hard to cheat algorithms by stuffing keywords, spun content, or cheap backlinks.
Meaning cheap Shopify stores engaging black hat SEO techniques find it hard to outrank genuinely high quality and useful stores.
Employing black or grey SEO tactics can work for stores, but it won’t take long before getting detected and pulled down.
With search engines, it has boiled down to the quality of the Shopify store and the number of relevant backlinks that redirect to the product page.
With search engines sifting out SEO shortcuts, your Dropshipping business now has the latitude to concentrate on the audience’s issues.
Granted that literally, every niche has lots of competition, and stores try to outsmart each other in terms of product quality.
However, if you’ve got the hang of your trade, isn’t that a good thing to have?
You stand a much better chance out-running your competition based on your store’s product usefulness as opposed to links from comment spam or fake social shares.
It’s MUCH Easier TODAY Building a Loyal Community Around Dropshpping Brand.
Given that today SEO is more loyalty and user-experience oriented than meta and keywords, if your eCommerce store offers excellent user-experience, providing consumers solution your store will not only rise in search rankings but also steadily build a loyal following around your Dropshipping brand.
The underlying benefit of having loyal traction around your brand means folks look up to you as an expert, which translates to your store’s regular visits, return-visits, shares, and the spread of word about you.
Dropshipping store owners can leverage on search engines like Google using user-engagement trends and word of mouth marketing their brands on social networks to improve search rankings.
Fortunately, building engaged online communities around your store is much easier today owing to social network platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Specifically, Facebook Groups are the user-engagement holy grail. It’s the reason top Dropshipping stores invest top dollar and time in creating Facebook Groups and not Facebook pages.
There’re thousands of Dropshipping stores generating massive traffic every month from their Facebook Groups. Hundreds of brands use LinkedIn Groups to the same effect as well.
A while back, community building never had the same impact on a brand’s search visibility as it does now. It thus now offers enormous benefits as it gives you the liberty to laser-focus your efforts on building a brand’s tractions as search engines handle store’s rankings.
Thousands of Leading eCommerce Platforms Supports Dropshipping.
For a long time, eCommerce has been among the most popular means to generate revenue online.
However, until recently, it was not the most credible monetization tact. But that’s water under the bridge.
Today eCommerce is growing at an alarming rate. Shopify is among the leading eCommerce platforms offering Dropshipping.
Studies have shown that lots of stores with an online presence on Shopify generate a combined billion in dollars through leading brands.
Just so you get a sense of the impact of Dropshipping considers this; according to a web-based survey showed that AliExpress, the world’s largest retail eCommerce store gets multiple billion visitors accounting for double-digits percentile of traffic monthly.
Leading platforms like Shopify generate millions of bucks in sales through thousands of Dropshipping stores across the globe. And this is an indication of two things.
First, it’s clear that folks have had a grasp of the impact of Dropshipping and realize that it can help them grow exponentially.
Secondly, it indicates that the Dropshipping party has just begun. There’re thousands, if not millions of new and emerging Dropshipping stores yet to join the eCommerce bandwagon.
All of these are indications of lots of options and opportunities, and that owning a store on Shopify is no longer a preserve of a handful.
And as an entrepreneur, regardless of the niche you choose, you can find profitable, high-quality products from reliable suppliers.
Leveraging Partnerships To Grow Your Dropshipping Reach Globally.
With the spike in internet penetration, more and more businesses are finding new partners from different corners of the world.
Your segment audience longer confines to a few countries and cities. You can expand your horizons exponentially.
There are numerous ways internet penetration impacts businesses and empowers entrepreneurs worldwide. You can source products from suppliers for your eCommerce store from the comfort of your home in just a few clicks.
For instance, many people globally eke full-time living with their Dropshipping, maintaining zero inventory, promoting products via Facebook ads, and manage supply by liaising with suppliers from say AliExpress.
As a business model, Shopify store owners can ride on a global partnership to accelerate growth.
Store owners in Europe and the US source private label products from countries Bangladesh, India, China, etc. and tap on the AliExpress supply chain network to sell merchandise around the country.
A decade back, was it possible? No, of course not.
At least not at the present scale and ease.
By building a partnership, you can start a business with close to nil investment; you can grow an existing store by say targeting a global audience instead of confining yourself to a small locale or reducing costs.
Internet Has Led To Emergence of New Niches and Opportunities.
Marijuana and alcohol for eons have been the sole addiction I’d hear of until social media and smartphones happened.
Today screen addiction is more rampant, second to none of the other forms of addictions.
Monetizing this addiction needs seizing the opportunity and assimilating Dropshipping to thrust your store in front of these addicts on their screen.
Your product or service ought to stand apart from your competition and offer compelling value to convert the screen addicts traffic to actual sales.
The widespread addiction is just but one of the thousands of new niches emerging as a consequence of the internet.
Read Also:
- Getting Stripe For Non Us Citizens Vs UK Stripe Account 2021
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- How Affiliate Marketing Accelerates Shopify Sales By 659%
- Stripe Acquired Nigeria’s Paystack For Over $200 Million Deal
And guess what, they’ll keep popping up. Every year presents unique needs, opportunities, and problems, that’s been the norm.
And since the world is increasingly becoming connected, you get to know these problems asap than before.
So, you have the opportunity to be an early mover as soon as a new niche emerges, providing solutions cashing-in simultaneously Dropshipping.
You can Dropship on these niches; Augmented reality, Virtual reality, live video streaming, etc.
We’re talking of bottomless abyss here. You got to stay woke.
Dropshipping business Final word
So, what is it you’re waiting for? Did you get an excuse still? I’ve got news for you, amigo.
The right time never shows up. It just never does.
Just pick a moment and turn it into your Eureka moment to change your life. Nobody is going to do it for you.
It’s your life=your business and therefore your profit or loss. Discard the lame, lazy wannabe-Droshipper trait, start with what you already know. It might shock you that you know a lot than you think; a lot than 47% of folks who’s never been online.
Sign Up for free 90 days trial on Shopify Today.Click the below Image.

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