To begin with, what could be described as a Niche market?

A niche market is a particular subset of a vast market where the problems of a specific group of people or targets are identified.

The niche market can be anything from a product to a particular industry or demographic.

This is the continuation of our last post, The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Profitable Dropshipping Niche.

It aims to solve specific problems of the target market or population. Do you find that complicated?

No, it’s simpler than it sounds. 

It will be discussed thoroughly; the more specific it is, the better the understanding.

So, let’s take, for example, you witness the weight loss industry; you notice a group of adults struggling to shed some weight.

That’s a vast market to leverage; it is a multi-billion dollar market with lots of competition from individuals in the slimming and weight-watching worlds.

An e-commerce store owner might need more resources, money, or time to compete shoulder-to-shoulder with other companies that deal with weight loss.

Except you are a millionaire, although I will assume every reader is not, so for the sake of this module.

To find a better niche, you will need to slim down the choice and find a smaller subsection in the area of the weight loss market where you could find a more detailed field or a target that needs to be adequately justified. 

You could find your selected field and desired niche in this category.

That’s a better explanation.

As explained below, the most profitable dropshipping niches fall into some prominent areas.

Find A Dropshipping Niche Market

So, what is a niche market?

A niche market is a segment of a larger audience with unique needs, preferences, or identities that can be defined. Some profitable niche markets are Pet products, Health and wellness products, and Beauty products, among other niche market ideas one can try in their store.

These are a few of the aspects of life most people yearn for happiness

So, this is the point you can leverage on those things that everybody can only do with.

If you leverage a niche that provides these things (relationships, health, money, fitness, etc.), you should know you are treading on the right path. So many of the subcategories of these three things are usually good; they could be grouped into

  • Wealth and money
  • Health and Fitness
  • Relationships and dating

These three aspects of life are crucial; almost everyone is interested in them. Some go the extra mile to find happiness, and people spend a lot on them.

Now, breaking it down, you could move from the general classification above to the specific and say there are other subcategories that other profitable niches do fall under; these two categories could be :

  • Hobbies and interests
  • Self-improvement

The two topics above are other areas where people spend a lot of money. From these subcategories, let’s move on to the following five markets that could serve as better niches in the 5 areas:

  • Relationships and dating
  • Health and Fitness
  • Self-improvement
  • Wealth and money
  • Hobbies, interests, and activities

These categories of niches are fundamental. Almost every great niche falls into one or more of these categories. So, let’s take a sample of one of the niches from the five general profitable niche markets for your shop if you store.

Examples from the 5 areas of profitable niche markets for Shopify stores.

The health and fitness niche

Subsections that could fall under this category include bodybuilding, weight loss, insomnia, diabetes, and genital warts.

So, these subcategories can be further drilled down to find more specific niches, e.g.

  • Providing recipes for type 2 diabetic patients who are over 50 years old and are at risk of losing their lives
  • Providing bodybuilding gadgets for skinny guys who want to attract women by getting ripped.
  • Giving weight loss recipes for post-pregnant women
  • Insomnia for drug addicts who are unable to get some sleep due to withdrawal
  • Or providing natural remedies for genital warts for those who couldn’t see their doctors.

Wealth and money

Specifically, you could narrow your niche under the wealth and money category, choose paid eBooks or digital downloads, find Affiliate marketing, or enter the Dropshipping business.

You could also do further research specific to your niche; further research will help you find more targeted marketing niches. Below are a few sample subcategories of niches under wealth and money.

  • Finding an Affiliate marketing job for a home mum who couldn’t take up a 9 to 5 job
  • Getting a job for former military personnel who still wants to be relevant in the market job
  • Getting paid surveys for students who want to earn some money while studying
  • Forex is for beginners who wish to trade with little budget
  • Starting an eCommerce business for new sellers with a limited budget

Self-Improvement niche

You could categorize this niche into stress management tips, improving public speaking confidence, avoiding procrastination, learning Spanish, etc.

These categories of self-improvement niches can also be further researched to provide a more specific context and a more detailed subcategory. You could give particular niches such as:

  • How to manage stress for businessmen or women with high blood pressure.
  • Spanish learning made it easy for men hoping to retire in Spain.
  • Public speaking tips for authors on their first book signing tour.
  • How to improve the confidence level of adults looking to get a girlfriend
  • How to avoid procrastination for people looking to start a new business.

Read Also:

Relationships and Dating:

You could first get a general niche from this category by searching for niches such as how to get a girlfriend, have a good relationship with your pets, become a better parent, pick up an Artistry or get an Adoption, etc.

This wide selection can still be further re-categorized into a more specific niche, enabling you to achieve a better niche resolution. You could decide to research further into:

  • How to become a better parent for your children after getting a divorce
  • How to have a good relationship with your bulldog
  • Tips on how to meet women and relate with them on the first date
  • Adopting teenagers who can’t find their parents
  • When you feel shy, try finding a girlfriend through an online dating site.

Hobbies and Interests

Searching for a more generalized niche in hobbies and interests could be in areas such as yoga, model training, golf, survivalist and prepping, etc. You can get this trimmed down to a more specific target niche that could tackle a particular problem; a few of those includes

  • Golf for older men looking to get fit
  • Model training for single fathers looking to create a bond on a specific activity with their son
  • Learning HTML codes for women looking for a job in the tech industry.
  • Choosing yoga to keep fit and socialize women in their 50s
  • Being a survivalist for single mothers who want to be prepared for their children’s sake

Have you started gaining more ideas with my examples? Researching, getting a generalized area, and doing more research is simple. To be specific, there is a simple formula.

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10 Easy Niche Market Ideas For Dropshipping Business 2

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I was looking for ways of making a living working online from the comfort of my home,few years in am able not only to work from home but also help others achieve their dreams too. I am a full-time eCommerce expert dropshipping business ,Niche research and Facebook ads Expert.

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