Have you ever asked yourself how to select niche markets for your dropshipping Shopify store? well, now that we have already defined what dropshipping is, it’s time we go through the process of selecting a good niche for your store.

You now know how to keep your head on straight. Then we’ll get to the juicy stuff. Step one is to decide on a market niche.

Initially, a beginner dropshipper may wonder, “What should I sell?!” It’s one of the most important and demanding questions a novice dropshipper faces.

This means that your entire business is built around it. But don’t be too concerned.

Because no matter how much research you conduct, you won’t know how well your store will perform until you put it to the test.

It’s not so much about what you sell as it is about how you sell it. Most people will not tell you this. People sell things for a cause. Even a fantastic product isn’t worth much if the people who buy it have a positive experience. Then I’ll show you how to build your store and brand it.

Another stuff. Make sure you don’t choose a crowded niche where many people currently sell.

You can find practically anything if you put in the time to discover how people shop and what motivates them to buy things.

All of this being said, there are several steps you can take to make ripping your hair out on day one.

Let’s begin with these steps.

Chapter 3 Table Of Content

  • What’s A Niche?
  • Steady vs. Trending Niches
  • Evergreen Niche
  • Features Of Dropshipping Products
  • Validating Your Niche

What is a niche?

To find a niche, you must first understand what one is: A small market of people who wish to be in a specific market. You can see this in the dictionary.

So, what are niche markets? Niche is an abbreviation for “niche market.” The term “niche” is defined in the eCommerce Dictionary. A niche is a small but significant segment of a larger market. Clothing for women is an example of a “niche.” This is a small portion of the whole market.

For example, you can divide the clothing market into categories such as men’s, women’s, and children’s.

You can – and should – make your house even smaller. Still, women’s clothing comes in many styles, such as boho and vintage, punk and high-fashion, or simple and clean.

It doesn’t have to be large. You can still go smaller, such as vegan bohemian or punk for teenagers.

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They have more specific goals, requirements, and purchasing behaviors than people in a general niche, but they still make things.

Because you don’t want to be like a giant chain or department store that sells a little bit of everything, instead, you should concentrate on a specific niche of people.

This strategy will provide you with a lot of things:

  • When you market to a specific niche audience, it will be much easier to find and reach your greatest customers because they will all have particular qualities and behaviors.
  • In general, the more specific your niche, the less competition you will encounter.
  • Customers who trust you to address their specific requirements and desires will be more likely to come to you.
  • In the game of dropshipping, loyal and trusting customers are the greatest way to receive a good bargain.

Here are a few additional ideas that aren’t as well known. Remember, this is only the mind!

Fashion accessories

  • Vintage purses
  • Sunglasses
  • Scarves
  • Jewelry
  • Hats
  • Hair accessories


  • Yoga
  • Women’s cycling
  • Running
  • Crossfit
  • Children swimming
  • Bodybuilding


  • Weight loss products
  • Vegan or organic products
  • Teeth whitening
  • Massagers
  • Digestive health
  • Anti-stress toys


  • Nail art
  • Men’s skincare products
  • Fake eyelashes
  • Eyeshadow palettes
  • Body scrubs
  • All-natural makeup


  • Terrariums
  • Rustic furniture
  • Outdoor gardening
  • Minimalist decor
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Cooking accessories


  • Smartphone accessories
  • Smart speakers
  • Senior-friendly desktops
  • Projectors
  • iPhone repair kit
  • Air purifiers

Hack: Be cautious when it comes to your health. There are restrictions and laws governing what you can sell in certain nations and how much you can charge. If you decide to work in the health field, complete your homework first.

Steady vs. Trending Niches

A steady niche, also known as an evergreen niche, will be in demand for a long time. Products in this category, such as various types of clothing and accessories, personal hygiene products, and household goods, aren’t going away. Sports and hobby products are also included in this category.

Google Trends makes it steady to check if a particular niche is increasing or decreasing in popularity. For example, I typed in “men’s sunglasses” and “2004 – present” as the place and time frame, among other things.

How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store
How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 8

If you look closely, you can see that it’s a steady niche expanding. Since 2004, more people have been searching the internet for men’s sunglasses, which has resulted in increased sales.

As you can see, searches peak in June and July, which makes sense because that’s when the Northern Hemisphere gets the most sun in the summer.

You may also alter how long you want to search for items and where people look.

Here you can see how people in United Kingdom have used the term “Bluetooth speakers” during the last year or two. It’s also clear that it’s steady. It was at its peak in November and December, indicating that it will most certainly be a popular holiday present.

bluetooth speaker google trends
How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 9

There are two kinds of niches: fads and trends. A fad, such as fidget spinners or unicorns, is more fleeting than a niche.

Keep in mind that your business will slow significantly when a trend stops, and you will not make as much money.

Choose a steady niche if you wish to run a long-term store. This is a hack. Jumping into a niche might be risky, especially if you’re a beginner.

Return to Google Trends to understand what I mean about fidget spinners. There was a significant high in May 2017, and then it disappeared.

Evergreen Niches

Choose an excellent steady niche. This is one of the most effective techniques to generate ideas for your niche and products. You have to look around, see what you buy, and see what other people buy.

Check Yourself.

  • What did you buy the last time you were shopping? When did you buy them, and where did you get them?
  • What kinds of products do you buy even if you don’t need them?
  • The stores where you shop the most online are where you shop the most.
  • What piques your interest the most? Is there something you know so well that you could sell it well?

Check Your Setting

People-watch at a mall or other public place.

  • What do people wear, use, and bring with them? It makes no difference whether it’s clothing, jewelry, shoes, or technology.
  • What products do they buy?
  • Visit a few stores. Shelves: What’s up with them? Are there any products that are out of stock?

Check the Influencers

Follow some of the most prominent social media influencers on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and many other platforms. Take a look at “product placements.” You can observe what other brands are attempting to sell through the use of influencers.

As long as you follow “high fashion” influencers, this can work well for you (luxury brands like Gucci, Armani, D&G, etc.). You’ll be able to offer the same styles for less money.

Choose a consistent niche if you wish to build a long-term store. This is a ruse. It can be hazardous if you’re a newcomer and wish to break into a popular niche.

Features Of Dropshipping Products

Some features define an excellent dropshipping product.

It’s difficult to understand what a niche is if you don’t look at the products. So when people look for their niche, they frequently find their product.

If you’re looking for more ideas, check out My Youtube Channel ” Dropshipping Product Resarch” Playlist.

  • More than $100. When products are excessively pricey, people spend extra time considering them. There will be more work before a customer trusts you enough to buy. You may also need to consider warranties and additional returns. This is something you should consider.
  • You can’t easily guess the price. It’s not easy to get the price. As long as it’s something unusual enough that you can’t figure out the price, it can help you locate people looking for the same thing online for less.
  • Impulse Buy. On a whim, buy whatever you want. What you don’t need but yet desire! You may make money quickly by selling cheap and unusual impulse buy products that don’t require any planning or thought before they hit the store shelves.
  • Not all that common. Customers have no reason to buy from your store and wait 2–3 weeks for it if it’s so common.

Keep an eye out for Chapter 4, where we’ll go over how to choose the right products in finer detail.

Validating Your Niche

Is this a good idea? How can you make that your idea is truly brilliant?

You should study before deciding on a niche to ensure it is a good fit. This is referred to as validating your membership in a specific niche of people.

In some ways, we’ve already validated. Using Google Trends, checking around, and using social media are all small-scale means to highlight the value of your niche. Because, after all, this is proof that people are purchasing and using these products.

Adding a little more: Let’s take a look at the three best tools for finding excellent product ideas in high-grossing niches:

  1. Oberlo
  2. Amazon
  3. AliExpress


Before you may make an Oberlo account, you must complete the following things: To receive Oberlo right away, go to the Oberlo homepage and click the ‘Get Oberlo Now’ button.

When you’re finished, render your email address and make a password for it. Click “Sign up for free.”

Screenshot 42
How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 10

You’re in! You’ll then be taken to Oberlo’s home page.

In the sidebar on the left, you can search for products. “Search products” will be shown.

Check this screen. Oberlo will show you many high-performing products in several categories if you look around.

You can also type as many search terms as you want in the search bar.

Let’s assume I’m interested in necklaces and want to learn more about them. When I type it, it appears as follows.

When You go to a product’s page, You may see things like:

  • The item’s price
  • It is important to understand how much each form of shipping costs and how long it takes for different countries: (Click the arrow to view the various options and times)
  • Who is selling it and whether other dropshippers have good reviews to say about them.
  • Product statistics, such as how well a product is rated and how many people have bought it.

If you want to be safe, look for products with a high rating, many good reviews, and many people who have bought them. This is evident since it demonstrates a solid, well-liked product. Another benefit is that it can show whether or not a particular niche is a good company idea.


Check out the Amazon Best Sellers page for more inspiration. You can also check “Amazon Most Wanted.”

Look for high ratings, many orders, and many good reviews from people who have bought the items to determine their popularity.

Amazon best seller
How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 11

On the left sidebar, it’s simple to look at products by category. So you can see what kinds of things you’re interested in.

Examine the ratings and reviews for the products to see what others think of them. There are some things that people adore or wish were better.

Read Also:


If you haven’t heard of it, AliExpress is a shopping site similar to Amazon and eBay. Many people utilize it to buy products from Chinese manufacturers or large wholesalers with various items. Many of the pricing is comparable to what they would be if purchased at a store.

You can use AliExpress to look for product ideas and then sell the items you find in your store, which is a good thing. Many firms use AliExpress suppliers to drop ship their products.

How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 12

We can talk about how to leverage AliExpress suppliers and products later. It doesn’t matter what we do now. Instead, we’ll merely go over how to use the platform to identify and confirm your niche.

Go to AliExpress’s homepage and look for things you want to buy. For example, type the items you wish to find into the search box or use the “Categories” option on the left sidebar to find what you’re looking for.

When you click on a category, it will show you all useful information, such as the best sellers, the most popular stores on AliExpress, and the most popular themes.

For example, if you search “Women’s Clothing,” the top “Chic” stores appear. This must be because “Chic” is a popular category of women’s clothes.

The search bar is good to start if you need to find something. Fill in the blanks with whatever you like. Go to “Sort by” and select “Orders” from the drop-down menu. So you can discover which products have been the most popular.

AliExpress provides suggestions for other things to look for beneath the search bar. This might be a terrific approach to obtain more ideas and ensure that you’re on the right route.

Women’s fashion scarves: I typed that into the search box and received a slew of useful results, including:

  • Silk scarf
  • Cashmere scarf
  • A winter scarf

Silk and cashmere appear to be popular fabrics.

And if you sort by orders, you can tell who is the best at what they do. Plaid appears to be in this season’s scarf fashion.

It’s evident from the search results that these top results have good reviews, a lot of reviews, and a lot of sales—a good group.

Only by exploring around and attracting attention may a good niche and product ideas be discovered. Continue until you find an idea that makes you pleased.

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How To Select Niche Markets For Dropshipping Store 13

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I was looking for ways of making a living working online from the comfort of my home,few years in am able not only to work from home but also help others achieve their dreams too. I am a full-time eCommerce expert dropshipping business ,Niche research and Facebook ads Expert.

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