One Product Store is a retail establishment that sells just one product type.

This could be anything from clothing or electronics to kitchen supplies or beauty products.

One common misconception about these stores is that they only carry a junky, low-quality products. However, the truth is that they typically carry high-quality products designed to meet specific needs.

For example, a One Product Store might have an impressive selection of premium hiking gear and clothing or specialize in designer furniture or home decor items.

Another advantage of One-Product Stores is that they tend to be much more focused and streamlined than general retail outlets.

By offering a limited range of products, these stores can devote all their attention and resources to each item, providing customers exceptional service and quality every time.

So, if you’re looking for something specific, a One Product Store may be the perfect place to start your search!

Years ago, when Shopify launched and the idea of dropshipping emerged, most dropshippers went the general store route. Today, we look into your first product store.

They had great success owning and running an Amazon replica, but that lasted only a short time because the type of dropshipping business they were operating had challenges.

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The disadvantage of having many products in your shop is that you don’t get to control many aspects. In most cases, suppliers may go off on you or delete their products from Aliexpress, and the product will disappear from the homepage without your knowledge.

In most cases, when a product is removed on Aliexpress, it will still show as listed on your store, but when you try placing an order, you get an error or broken links.

Focusing on one supplier has proven to be a significant challenge general store owners face, who often close their shops or experience PayPal limitations.

Why should you Run from a general store?

Remember, they already exist: Amazon, Aliexpress,eBay, and what have you. Your task is to build a unique brand and not duplicate an existing venture, which will require more cash and time to break even.

With thousands of products to update daily, checking on price and shipping charges, stock availability, and keeping tabs with suppliers is just too much of a burden for a start-up that wants to quit 9 -5 and become independent.

With many products in your shop, you lose focus. You are everywhere and have your hands on everything simultaneously. You lose track of activities, and tracking ads becomes problematic regarding which one to kill and keep. This is different from having one product store.

Do you prefer testing thousands of products or just having one product tested in different aspects regarding interests, etc.? The second option sounds like a plan.

Why do you need one product store?

Imagine you are only required to focus on one product, which, if done well, can brand your entire shop.

A one-product store is an excellent way to go regarding dropshipping business on Aliexpress and Shopify, but why?

One product store allows you to explore and be creative in branding, running ads, and creating cross and upsell around it.

The budget needed here to launch and test ads is relatively lower than the capital required for a general Shopify store.

You have all the advantages of testing different platforms, interests, and budgets and adding more creatives as you please.

A one-product store gives you time to scale, knowing your sole focus is on one product; you can go massive on ads here. Analyze the market to optimize your product listing and pricing for maximum profit margins.

You can also work on finding reliable dropshipping suppliers with competitive pricing to maximize your profitability. Finally, you can use automation tools to streamline the process of multiple orders and customer service tasks so that you don’t have to worry about them as much. With all

Dealing with Supplier

Unlike a general store, you deal with many suppliers who also deal with drop shippers like you; hence, you don’t get a personal touch or working environment between you and the supplier on Aliexpress.

When it comes to one product store, you can look elsewhere and have 3-5 suppliers dealing with the specific product you are selling; from here, business relationships may arise, and you brand your product with confidence that the supplier will never run out.

On many occasions, the drop shippers fly out to warehouses or manufacturers to ensure quality, and the distribution channel is locked to prevent delays and chargebacks.

How do you find that one product?

It comes down to what you want to sell, but just before that, ensure your product either:

  • Offer solutions
  •  Solves an issue

When the product you want to sell answers the above, you will be okay with branding and conversions.

The website should outline the problems the product tends to solve and the outcome.

You must continuously tap into emotions, and the product must deliver its promises; there is a business, and there is your business relating to your customers.

Will they refer the product to their friends or give you bad reviews?

Remember, your goal should ultimately be to drop ship and change a life through the product you sell in your store.


Something now tells you that one product store is straightforward to create and launch; don’t underestimate it; take your time, and give it your whole. You may have a winning product listed on a shady-looking website that may take away all the credibility of your product.

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A One Product Store Vs General Store 3

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I was looking for ways of making a living working online from the comfort of my home,few years in am able not only to work from home but also help others achieve their dreams too. I am a full-time eCommerce expert dropshipping business ,Niche research and Facebook ads Expert.

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